For the past 5 years our subject on the Zikirul Anfas has only been on the introduction,
preliminary explanation and icebreaking combined with familiarization on the subject matter
so that it settles within your mind and opens up your mind to another level to the realm
of understanding at the heart level.
It is important that you all know that The subject of Zikir Nafas is wide and
deep , it is a vast Ocean of Knowledge that what you would assume it would
be from the Shores of the Ocean , when you swim the Ocean then you would
know the depth and also the width of it.
The Knowledge of Zikir Nafas is the next phase of the topic , related to
the Wisdoms Hikmah of the Zikir Nafas and then Reality - Hakikah of the
Zikir Nafas itself.
Underneath all these above mentioned knowledge you will find another
Oceans of Knowledge which are the Secrets and Hidden Knowledge from
the ordinary level of Understanding of normal students or seekers.
When you are engaged in ZIkir Nafas , you should know it is not you
who is getting your breath to be engaged into the Zikir Nafas , but The
Almighty Allah , but how this subject and action can be understood , if
we learn only the Taarif not the real knowledge of the Zikir Nafas.
What is the action of the seeker who is engaged in Zikir Nafas that
triggers him into the state of Zikir Nafas.
What Triggers the Zikir nafas?.
This is something that every person who has the Zikir nafas must know , comprehend
, visualize , experience and conduct regularly in his every moments of Life . Or else
you will never enjoy the power , the experience and the enjoyments of the Zikir Nafas.
I find none amongst us here has the Noor of the Zikir Nafas , because you find yourself
forcing into the act rather not letting Almighty Allah to conduct for you or let loose the
chain of destiny of the Zikir Nafas to enact on itself by the will of Allah.
Let your breath loose and let it run as per the wish of Almighty Allah.
What you need to do to get it run loose and smooth is what you need
to seek and learn from your Murshid , until your Zikir Nafas become
solid and well grounded into your heart and soul permanently.
This will mark the beginning of unfolding of waves of happiness , peace
and inner Tranquility which is totally unexplicable in every term of
enjoyment and bliss.
Zikirul Anfas is the Highest Mode and Channel of Connecting Your Heart
[ Qalb] and Roh to Almighty the Creator of Your Heart , Soul and Sirr.
Without Allah , who is the Owner of SALAM , AMMAN and RAHMAT you
will never be able to experience the above.
Rest your mind and emotion and think how powerful is Zikir Nafas giving
an impact on your life , emotions and Mind.
I find people complaining that at work they cannot be in Zikir nafas, it is
quite funny on looking at this side of complain , I ask them do you breath
when you are at work , then why cant you just do Zikir Breath instead of
empty breaths without the Name of the Owner of the Breath , what is the
value of the breath without knowing the Sender of the Breath , why do we
live and breath without knowing the Transmitter of the Breath.
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